Ragnarok Online Server Update 1.0.43 – The Enchanted Ice Cream Extravaganza!

New Features:
- Ice Cream Vendor NPCs:
- Meet the new Ice Cream Vendors scattered throughout the realms! They offer a variety of magical ice cream flavors, including “Eternal Regret Raspberry” and “Mystical Melancholy Mint,” each granting unique buffs like temporary invisibility (only when standing still).
- Ice Cream Mounts:
- Players can now ride on giant ice cream cones! Each flavor has different attributes: the “Chocolate Cascade Cone” offers increased speed, while the “Rainbow Swirl” allows players to leave a trail of sprinkles that confuses enemies.
- Summer Festival Quests:
- Participate in the Summer Festival quests to earn exclusive rewards, including the “Frosty Bikini Armor” that provides a cool +20% water resistance (but only in hot areas).
Balance Changes:
- Class Adjustments:
- The Wizard class now has access to the “Ice Cream Cone of Power” spell, which allows them to summon a giant ice cream cone that deals damage based on the flavor chosen (chocolate is the strongest, vanilla is the weakest).
- Monster Adjustments:
- All Ice Element monsters have been re-skinned to look like ice cream characters. The “Frost Golem” is now the “Frosty Sundae,” and it has a new attack: “Syrup Splash” that temporarily immobilizes players.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where players using the “Ice Cream Shield” would accidentally turn into ice cream when hit, causing them to melt and lose all items.
- Resolved a bug that caused the “Brain Freeze” debuff to last indefinitely if players consumed too much ice cream in a single sitting.
- Corrected the visual glitch where players wearing the “Cone Hat” appeared to have sprinkles growing out of their heads.
- Introduced a new emote: “Ice Cream Lick,” allowing players to show off their love for frozen treats in chat.
- Added a limited-time event where players can collect “Ice Cream Tokens” from defeated monsters to trade for exclusive ice cream-themed gear, including the “Sundae Staff” and “Popsicle Shield.”
Note: All players who log in during the event will receive a free “Ice Cream Cone of Regeneration,” which heals 1 HP every 10 seconds (but only when eaten while standing on one leg).
Thank you for your continued support of our server! May your adventures be as sweet as ice cream and filled with frosty fun!